Hello! It's that time again.Yeah! Flash Fiction Friday!
A picture says a 1000 words, but we only get 100 to tell you a story.
This weeks pic was smokin' hot, so I decided to let it burn!
Hope you will like my perception.
He turned on his cell and it went crazy with messages. Going to his voice
service, he hit play.
“Jimmy, this is Sylvia. I had to go to the health department today. Call
His boss’ daughter. She’d looked
hot in her school uniform.
“Jim, its Dr. Carpenter. It’s not a UTI. Come see me immediately.”
“Peterson! How dare you! YOU’RE FIRED!”
Oh hell!
“Mr. Peterson. This is the Captain Jones with the fire department. I
need to speak with you about your car.”
What the fuck?
Last message, his wife.
“Your clothes were in the trunk, motherfucker!”
Lee Brazil: http://leebrazilauthor.blogspot.com/
Benjamin Russell: http://incubuschronicles.blogspot.com/
Havan Fellows: http://havanshawthaven.blogspot.com
Kendel Davi: http://kendeldavi.wordpress.com
Yvonne Nicolas: http://yvonnenicolas.wordpress.com/
SLira as BLMorticia: http://blrawiyaerotica.blogspot.com
Sherri Hayes: http://sherri-hayes.blogspot.com/
Jp Archer: http://jp-archer.blogspot.com
Davee Jones: http://finless.blogspot.com
Cassandre Dayne: http://cassandredayne.wordpress.com/
DH Black: http://dhblack.wordpress.com/
Venus Cahill: http://www.venusbookluvr.blogspot.ca/
ER Pierce http://www.erpierce.com
Gemma Parkes: http://gemmaparkes.blogspot.com/
Sherry Palmer: http://michellechatton.blogspot.com
Cyril J. Michael: http://authorcyriljmichaels.blogspot.com/
Lani Rhea http://lanirhea.blogspot.com/